A basic coated electrode for welding copper tin, bronze (Cu-Sn 6-8%), and brass (Cu-Zn) in some cases too. Also used for dissimilar joints. Powerweld Cu 112 is recommended for repairing wrought bronze (CuSn), and for surfacing brass, steel, and cast iron. The electrode is specially designed to weld with alternating current, but it can be used either on DC+ or -. Construction of equipment for the Chemical industry and Petrochemical industries, Naval constructions and installations for seawater desalination, and repair works.
- AWS A5.6: ECuSn-C
- DIN 1733: EL-CuSn7
POWERWELD Cu 112 is a basic coated electrode for welding copper tin, bronze (Cu-Sn 6-8%), and brass (Cu-Zn) in some cases too. Also used for dissimilar joints. Powerweld Cu 112 is recommended for repairing wrought bronze (CuSn), and for surfacing brass, steel, and cast iron. The deposit is resistant to salt water corrosion. The electrode is specially designed to weld with alternating current, but it can be used either on DC+ or -. Construction of equipment for the Chemical industry and Petrochemical industry, Naval constructions and installations for seawater desalination, and repair works.
Redrying of the electrode at 150˚C for 2hrs before use. Weld joints must be clean, and free from grease and cracks. Guide electrodes with a slightly inclined angle (10-20˚) in direction of travel. Weld with a short arc. To improve degassing of the deposit, adopt a slow welding speed. Heavy pieces (sections above 6mm) have to be preheated to 150-300˚C.
Operational and Packaging Data:
- Electrode size: 2.6mm and 3.2mm.
- Wire packaging: 5kg.
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