An extra low carbon, rutile type electrode exhibiting superior all positional (except vertical down) performance with improved moisture resistant coating for weld metal of high radiographic integrity. It is also recommended for the general purpose welding of common 300 series stainless steels such as 301, 302, 304, and 304L.
- AWS A5.4: E316L-16
- EN ISO 3581-A: E 19 12 3 L R 12
- EN ISO 3581-B: ES316L-16
- JIS Z3221: ES316L-16
New generation STAINARC 316L is an extra low carbon, rutile type electrode exhibiting superior all positional (except vertical down) performance with an improved moisture resistant coating for weld metal of high radiographic integrity. The smooth arc action of STAINARC 316L together with low spatter and excellent slag control/ detachability promote exceptional weld appearance and profile. Other features include high arc stability and easy restriking.
- Rutile/Moisture Resistance Coating.
- All Positional, Low C Deposit.
- For The Critical Welding of Type 316 and 316L Stainless Steels.
STAINARC 316L deposits Molybdenum bearing, 19% Cr / 12% Ni / 2.3% Mo filler metal to meet the requirements for welding AISI type 316 and 316L stainless steel in critical applications. STAINARC 316L is also recommended for the general purpose welding of common 300 series stainless steels such as 301, 302, 304, and 304L.
Operational and Packaging Data:
- Electrode size: 2.0mm, 2.6mm, 3.2mm and 4.0mm.
- Electrode length: 300mm and 350mm
- Electrode packaging: 2kg, 2.5kg, 4kg, 5kg, and 20kg.
*Recommended for DC+ or AC (minimum 45V OCV) operation
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Kawasan Perindustrian
Ayer Keroh,
75450, Ayer Keroh, Melaka
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Kawasan Perindustrian Ayer Keroh,
75450 Melaka, Malaysia