A self-shielded chrome carbide flux cored wire for hardfacing components subject to extremely severe abrasive wear and moderate impact and moderate corrosion resistance. Design to use in hard-facing palm oil mill screw and high-pressure kerned worms.
- EN ISO 14700: E Fe15
- JIS Z3326: YFCrA-C-700
COREMAX H33-O is a self-shielded chrome carbide flux cored wire for hardfacing components subject to extremely severe abrasive wear and moderate impact and moderate corrosion resistance. The deposit contains a high proportion of hard primary carbon and eutectic carbides in a tough austenitic matrix. Design to use in hard-facing palm oil mill screw and high-pressure kerned worms. Ideal also palm oil expeller screw, dredge pump impellers, crusher cones, and sugar mill crusher hammers.
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Kawasan Perindustrian
Ayer Keroh,
75450, Ayer Keroh, Melaka
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Kawasan Perindustrian Ayer Keroh,
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127-A, Lot 61 Jalan Usaha 9,
Kawasan Perindustrian Ayer Keroh,
75450 Melaka, Malaysia