A rutile-acid type electrode specially developed for all position welding for welding ASTM 316 and 316L stainless steel. Applied for service temperatures from -120˚C up to +400˚C in the chemical and petrochemical industries, in refineries, in food industries, and for shipbuilding to weld pipe, tanks, and heat exchangers.
- AWS A5.4: E316L-17
- EN ISO 3581-A: E 19 12 3 L R 12
- EN ISO 3581-B: ES 316L-17
- JIS Z3221: ES 316L-17
STAINARC 316L-17 is a rutile-acid type electrode specially developed for all position welding for welding ASTM 316 and 316L stainless steel. Electrode flux coating with low moisture pick-up features easy slag removal, low spatter, high arc stability, and easy restriking. Applied for service temperatures from -120˚C up to +400˚C in the chemical and petrochemical industries, in refineries, in food industries, and for shipbuilding to weld pipe, tanks, and heat exchangers.
Operational and Packaging Data:
- Electrode size: 2.0mm, 2.6mm, 3.2mm and 4.0mm.
- Electrode packaging: 2.5kg and 20kg.
*Recommended for DC+ or AC (minimum 50V OCV) operation
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Kawasan Perindustrian
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